TITLE: A look ( Behind the Scenes ) WARNINGS/CONTENT ADVICE: None. General RATING: K (everybody) CONTINUITY: Generation 1 CHARACTERS: Decepticon forces, Skywarp and ThunderCracker DISCLAIMER/SUMMARY: There is a lot of stuff in the old cartoons that never got shown. Such as when Megatron has a Big Announcement to make. Speedwriting PROMPT: # 1
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Title: DIE! Rating: K Continuity: Movieverse Characters: Carly Witwicky, Ironhide, Sort-of half-way OC for Plot! Disclaimer: Don't own Prompt: 1. Unwelcome guest Notes: My sister did this. With an ant.
An Unlikely Alliance Rating: T Continuity: G1 Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Prowl, Jazz Disclaimer: Don't own. Prompt: #2. Choose a prompt of the Master List 2011 and write for it
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Title: Family Warning Rating: T Continuity: G1ish Characters: Prowl, Jazz, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Bluestreak Disclaimer: Prompt: 1. Keeping bad company
Title: Hitting Your Head on the Way Down Warnings/content advice: Skywarp. Rating: PG Continuity: Roughly G1-ish Characters: Skywarp, Prowl Disclaimer: Wish they were mine, but they aren't. Prompt: Forced Togetherness